Common Verbs that show State or Action

These phrases below show the continuous and in-continuous usage of these everyday usage verbs. 


(1) to have an opinion

I think that smoking is bad. 
(not continuous)

(2) consider, have in mind

I'm thinking about you. 
(can be continuous) 


(1) own, possess

She has a new baby brother. 
(not continuous) 

(2) expressions

She's having a shower.
(can be continuous) 


(1) with your eyes / understand

I see what you mean.
(not continuous) 

(2) meet someone

I'm seeing Peter tonight.
(can be continuous) 

Smell, Weight, Look, Taste

(when intransitive)

The coffee smells great.

You look tired.

This pizza tastes good!

(not continuous)

(when transitive)

I'm selling coffee.

He's looking at a picture.

The chef is tasting the lunch. 

(can be continuous) 
